ענף שלמות המבנה וחקר הכשל של איגוד מכונות בלשכת המהנדסים מזמינים אתכם/ן למפגש הבא של הענף בשיתוף אשמ"י ולשכת המהנדסים והאדריכלים בישראל.
זוהי הזדמנות יוצאת דופן שוב להיפגש ולדון בנושאים החשובים בתחום.
אודות המפגש
אנחנו שמחים להזמינכם למפגש הבא של שלמות המבנה וחקר הכשל בשיתוף אשמ”י – האיגוד לשלמות המבנה בישראל עם לשכת המהנדסים והאדריכלים בישראל, בהמשך לתרומתכם להצלחת המפגשים שלנו לאורך השנים.
תוכנית המפגש
registration |
08:00-09:00 |
Opening remarks: Dov Sherman, ISIG President |
09:00-09:15 |
Plenary Lecture: Chair: Dana Ashkenazi |
9:15-10:00 |
Coffee Break | 10:00-10:15 |
Morning Session : Chair: Yuval Freed | 10:15-11:35 |
Eran Bouchbinder, Weizmann Institute of Science. Bridging Necking and Shear-Banding Mediated Tensile Failure in Glasses. | 10:15-10:35 |
Leslie Banks-Sills1, Ofir Shor2 and Ido Simon1,2:
1School of Mechanical Engineering, Tel-Aviv Univ., Israel. 2Rafael Ltd., P.O.B. 2250, Haifa. Micro-Computerized Tomography of DCB Specimens: UD and Twill Laminates. |
10:35-10:55 |
Dov Sherman and Lingyue Ma,School of Mechanical Engineering., Tel-Aviv University. I-New Macroscopic Approach to Evaluate the Cleavage Fracture of Brittle Crystals – Shorter is Tougher. | 10:55-11:15 |
Yuval Freed, Israel Aerospace Industry. Trends and Opportunities in Structural Integrity – An Industry Perspective | 11:15-11:35 |
Coffee Break | 11:35-11:55 |
Students Competition Session : Chair: Zohar Yosibash | 11:55-13:35 |
G.G. Goviazin, A. Shirizly and D. Rittel, 1Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technion, Haifa, Israel. Rafael, POB 2250 (774), Haifa 3102102, Israel. Additional Insights on the Dynamic Thermomechanical Coupling. |
11:55-12:15 |
Hadas Hochster1, Yevheniia Bernikov1, Ido Meshi1, Shiyao Lin2, Vipul Ranatunga3, Anthony M. Waas2, Noam N.Y Shemesh4, and Rami Haj-Ali1, 1School of Mechanical Engineering, Tel Aviv Univ., Israel, 2University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, 3AFRL, Wright Patterson AFB, 45433, USA, 4IDF Aerospace Engineering. Branch, Israel. Deep Learning using ANN for Multiscale Analysis of Laminated Composites Subject to Low-Velocity Impact Delamination. | 12:15-12:35 |
Roy Amkies and Mor Mega, School of Mechanical Engineering, Ariel University,Israel. Comparison of Global and Local Methods for Evaluation of the Mode I Energy Release Rate in Multi Directional Composite DCB Specimens Subjected to Cyclic Loading. |
12:35-12:55 |
Omri Matania, Lior Bachar, Jacob Bortman, Mechanical Engineering, Ben-Gurion University, Israel. Fault severity estimation of gears by one-fault-shot learning | 12:55-13:15 |
Ohad Elbaz and Oded Rabinovich, Dept. Civil Eng., Technion. The Effect of Deformation Rate and Inertia on the Debonding Process in Layered Structures. |
13:15-13:35 |
Lunch Break | 13:35-14:35 |
Afternoon Session : Chair: Chanan Gabay | 14:35-16:10 |
Dov Sherman, School of Mechanical Engineering., Tel-Aviv University. II- New Atomistic Approach to Evaluate the Cleavage Fracture of Brittle Crystals – Shorter is Tougher. | 14:35-14:55 |
Anuwedita Singh, Snir Aizen and Leslie Banks-Sills, School of Mechanical Engineering Tel Aviv University. Israel. Fatigue Delamination Propagation of Mixed Mode End Loaded Split Specimens – MD Woven Laminate. | 14:55-14:55 |
Carmel Matias, Alex Diskin, Eduardo Ejgenberg, Oz Golan, Garkun Andrey, and Evgeny Strokin, Israel Aerospace Industries, Afeka College of Engineering, Tel-Aviv, Israel, Technion, Haifa, Israel. Additive Manufactured Surface Quality Challenge to meet Fatigue Strength Required for Airframe Industry. | 15:15-15:35 |
Alex M. Golod, Al-Go, Future Technologies, Buckling of Elastic Column Containing a Fatigue Crack. | 15:35-15:55 |
Students Prize and Closing Remarks | 16:00-16:10 |