International Conference on Laser Applications in Life Sciences (LALS) in Israel

18.11.18 to 20.11.18

LALS 2018 will be held at Bar Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel


Save the date! The conference aim to provide a unique gathering forum in which scientists from different disciplines of life sciences such as biomedical optics and imaging, laser spectroscopy, laser therapy and bio-photonic sensing can get together in order to establish a platform of collaboration, to exchange ideas as well as to learn about the challenges involved in laser applications in life sciences. The meeting will involve a fruitful scientific program for formal and informal interactions between the participants, as well as industrial exhibition and a touring program in Israel.

Call for papers

Researchers as well as R&D engineering working in the field are invited to submit abstracts (around 300 words) focusing but not limited to the fields of:

Fundamentals, hybridization and future approaches:

  • Laser tissue interaction
  • Emerging technologies and applications
  • Photo-acoustics


  • Biomedical imaging and sensors
  • Laser spectroscopy, microscopy and nanoscopy
  • Nonlinear Imaging and Multiphoton Microscopy
  • Cytometry and High Content Screening


  • Laser therapy and devices for: Photo-thermal, Photodynamic and Low laser level therapy


To the conference site:

The abstract need to be  send by 31/7/18  to  Prof. Zeev Zalevsky
Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan University, Israel